The industrious revolution suffers from the involuted, cutesy writing that has become popular among academic historians, as they borrowed the prose style and selfreferential concerns of cultural criticism. Download for offline reading, highlight, bookmark or take notes while you read the industrious revolution. Sheilagh ogilvie faculty of economics, university of cambridge. Consumption, social capital, and the industrious revolution. Industrious revolution and economic growth, 16501830. The final result is closer to a comprehensive overview of work, consumption, and wellbeing in europe and north america, from the. The industrious revolution and the household organization linked to it.
This book pulls together a wide range of evidence supporting the theory, and explores. Sheilagh ogilvie faculty of economics, university of. Their combined citations are counted only for the first article. The industrial revolution and the industrious revolution jeh, 24970.
Sep 23, 2010 it is conventionally assumed that the pre. The industrial revolution and the industrious revolution. For the industrious revolution to succeed, economic. The industrious revolution was a householdlevel change with important demandside features that preceded the industrial revolution, a supplyside phenomenon. First, there was a reduction of leisure time as the utility of monetary income rose. Did they happen outside the north atlantic economies. Devries jan 1994 the industrious revolution and the. Devries, jan 1994, the industrious revolution and the industrial revolution, journal of economic history 542. The industrious revolution was a process of householdbased resource reallocation that increased both the supply of marketed commodities and labor and the demand for marketsupplied goods. The economic future in historical perspective authors. A new conceptthe industrious revolution is proposed to place the industrial revolution in a broader historical setting.
Download it once and read it on your kindle device, pc, phones or tablets. Consumer behaviour and the household economy, 1650 to the present, cambridge. Consumer behavior and the household economy, 1650 to the present. Faculty of economics, university of cambridge version date. Economic history association the industrial revolution and the industrious revolution authors. A new conceptthe industrious revolutionis proposed to place the industrial revolution in a broader historical setting. In the long eighteenth century, new consumer aspirations combined with a new industrious behavior to fundamentally alter the material cultures of northwest europe and north america. Economic history and economic culture of the early modern. Industrious revolution allen and weisdorf working paper.
Consumer behavior and the household economy, 1650 to the present cambridge, 2008. If you have access to a journal via a society or association membership, please browse to your society journal, select an article to view, and follow the instructions in this box. Consumer behavior andthe household economy, 1650 to the present. Industrious revolution allen and weisdorf working paper version. For the industrious revolution to succeed, economic agents mainly active in household. Industrious revolution faculty of economics university of. Consumer behavior and the household economy 1650 to the present 2008, his work has changed the way scholars conceptualize and study this dynamic period, as the contributors in this volume attest. Was there an industrious revolution before the industrial.
May 26, 2008 this industrious revolution is the context in which the economic acceleration associated with the industrial revolution took shape. Pdf the industrial revolution and the industrious revolution. He considers the changing consumption goals of households from the seventeenth century to the present and analyzes how household decisions have mediated between. Such findings do not call into question the entire industrious revolution thesis, but they do suggest that a more finely contoured map of the socioeconomic order is necessary when plotting the rise of consumption. Cambridge university press on behalf of the economic history association stable url.
This study explores the intellectual understanding of the new importance of consumer goods as well as the actual consumer behavior of households of all income levels. This study explores the intellectual understanding of the new. Driven by their increased desire for material consumption eighteenth century workers worked more days per year, and employed more of the labor of their wives and children. Reflections on communion silver, william and mary quarterly, 3d. Net by hansjoachim voth, department of economics, universitat pompeu fabra, barcelona. Mark peterson, puritanism and refinement in early new england. The state and the industrious revolution in tokugawa japan kaoru sugihara according to patrick obrien, smithian growth is a label which includes the formation and integration of markets for land, labour and capital as well as institutional frameworks for the discovery and diffusion of useful and reliable knowledge. Consumption, social capital, and the industrious revolution in early modern germany sheilagh ogilvie this study uses evidence from central europe to address open questions about the consumer and industrious revolutions. Industrious revolution yale economic yale university. This is challenged by the twin theories of the industrious revolution and the consumer revolution, positing a longer working year as people earned surplus money to buy novel goods. This study explores the intellectual understanding of the new importance of. Britain, that expression the industrial revolution was not a british. The industrial revolution as a historical concept has many shortcomings.
Access to society journal content varies across our titles. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading the industrious revolution. The industrial revolution interpretations from 1830 to the present uea. The industrious revolution and economic growth, 16501830 the industrious revolution and economic growth, 16501830 chapter. The industrious revolution and the household organization linked to it had their chief impact in a restricted zone of inde. The industrious revolution was a process of householdbased resource. The industrious revolution request pdf researchgate. This industrious revolution is the context in which the economic acceleration associated with the industrial revolution took shape. Easterlin, richard 1995, industrial revolution and mortality revolution. In the long eighteenth century, new consumer aspirations combined with a new industrious behavior to fundamentally alter the material. The state and the industrious revolution in tokugawa japan.
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