If it is an athome project, parents can do the editing. Show your students several examples of some outstanding book jackets. All included printable templates make this diy book report project easy and fun for elementary and middle school students in 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th grades. Animals, realistic fiction, nonfiction, biography, mystery, or fantasy. Place the book, spine down, on top of the paper and fold each end around the covers, leaving around 4 inches on each side.
Take a minute to think about the book jacket designs that you have seen. Book jacket project 4th grade by craneflowercreativity tpt. Here are 10 creative book report project ideas to use in your classroom. Inside front cover flap write interesting information about the story which will make readers want to open the cover and keep reading. This creative book report idea has templates, rubrics, graphic organizers, writing activities, and awards. Book report project directions dust jacket directions description a dust jacket is the paper covering on a hardback book. Write a description of the setting and a short summary of the book. Let your students creativity shine with this book cover project and worksheet that asks students to design their own book jacket based on the work of literature. Check out these third grade favorites, picked by our panel of childrens book experts to enthrall, challenge, and delight your child. You may choose the book project format from the attached list. Write quotes from the book that are important to understanding the story. When you are finished with the folds, you will have what resembles a book jacket with inside flaps, a spine, and a front and back cover. These ohsocool reports were always the topranked project by my fifth graders. You can conference with each student and edit their work if it is an inclass project.
But if you are looking for a simple to use, free printable form, dont miss our book report form and our. Students will complete a book jacket project and use the book jacket for a book talk. Draw and color a picture that is appropriate for your book. Jan 20, 2020 the next piece to start working on is the book summary, which is usually found on the inside flap of book jackets. Students create a new cover design for a book they are reading to. Students explore book covers of a variety of books then create a new cover for a book they have read. How to use the book jacket for a book report use light, small numbers to number the panels on the side that appears to be the outside of the book jacket from 1 to 5. They will record their information and draw pictures or paste photos onto squares as needed.
We need your generous help to support our memory book project to inspire the students to write. Write about the decisions you would make if you were the main character in the book. These 8 reading passages are designed for 3rd grade or 4th grade students to read and determine the main idea. Sep 1, 2017 this book jacket project is an equal mix of writing and creativity that. Here are 26 creative, fun, and unique book report ideas. Points for neatness and creativity will be included in your grade. In this case they are asked to advertise a book that you enjoyed during summer. Make a book jacket project i absolutely love this idea and. In this library lesson plan, 3rd graders locate where a book would be found using the dewey decimal number on the book jacket. My students had a great time expressing their creativity while reinforcing their understanding of genre, and i hope your students will too. Our epic nonfiction picture book project take 2 pernille. Through the pages of her diary, the reader feels her confusion, her anger, and her slowly dawning understanding of what it means to be part of a family. Jackson, a fifth grader, feels nervous because he hears his parents fighting about not.
Aug 07, 2015 book reports are a great way for kids to recall what theyve read, help with reading comprehension, and improve writing too. Dear parents and guardians, your child will have a book to read and a project every month. This project requires students to create a book jacket based on a book they have read. Your child should read the book at home with you or another adult. Please make sure the contract is filled in, signed, and returned by the due date. I have a friend who teaches third grade, in whose class i have done several art lessons this year. The book must be at least 100 pages of writing, not counting pictures long. Create a book jacket worksheet is it begins by setting a purpose.
Glue the front and back summaries down on each flap in writing order. Thursday, august 18, 2011 2nd period for this book project, you will create a book jacket about the book you read with ms. Also pass out or display the rubric so they know how their project will be assessed. Design a book jacket printable 1st 3rd grade teachervision.
Anya and her diary by diane christian anya and her diary is a novel about an 11yearold chinese girl struggling to adjust to her new life in america with her adoptive family. Book report ideas are complete with this free book report flip book. Add a card with the book title, author and your name. Discuss with your child how the book jacket is used to entice the reader and give information about what the book is about. By the 5th of each month, you must turn in the book selection form signed by both you and your parents. The next piece to start working on is the book summary, which is usually found on the inside flap of book jackets. Make a book jacket project i absolutely love this idea and i am.
This book jacket match lesson plan is suitable for 3rd grade. A talking dog, a housecleaning robot and a threedimensional data orb are among the many cool features that kids might. This book report project is a lowtech version of a television, made from a cereal box and two paper towel rolls. In this library lesson, 3rd graders locate where a book would be found using the dewey decimal number on the book jacket. Next, lay out a large sheet of drawing paper or construction paper. Teachers, your students will love this creative book report project for elementary kids. Then fold each end of the paper in 3 12 inches to make the inside flaps of the book jacket. Book projectsreading miss kestels 5th grade website.
Because the intention is still to capture your readers attention, this summary should sound a little different from a book report summary and give less of the plot away. Books for 3rd to 5th grade on adoption, race, and family. Jun 20, 2018 third grade in particular can offer a real challenge when figuring out a bookish gift. On the front cover, write the title and the author of your book. How to make book cover for kids novel project youtube. The practice is leveled so that one set of the reading passages has multiple choice answers, and the other set of task cards are free response students must decide on the main idea indep. Best book series for 2nd graders ever greatschools. On the front cover, write the title and the author of your. This clever kidtime storytime is about a plain book, the girl who loves the. This product includes a parent letter, detailed description of fiction book project choices diorama, book jacket, mobile, and poster, reading log homework for the book the project is on, and a teacher rubric 100 pts.
The two main things to keep in mind when picking books for 3rd graders are 1 the wide range of reading capabilities for 3rd graders, 2 that reading needs to be fun for kids who are developing their relationship with reading. Its up to you to select the books and projects you will share with the class. Our epic nonfiction picture book project take 2 pernille ripp. My students need writing materials, such as highlighters, pencil boxes, pencils, pens, markers and paper to help create their 3rd grade memory books. Assignments for upcoming 3rd graders summer reading. In other words, students will dream up a book they would like to read, and then create a jacket with graphics and a summary, along with a title page and table of contents, to use as a mock up. Write a news article about an important event from the book. Students create book covers for a variety of literary genres. But not all kids enjoy filling out book report forms. Using a book from your home as an example, talk about what is included on the front cover, such as an image, the title of the book, the author and illustrators name.
Students are engaged when there is a real world connection to their assignments. Popular third grade books meet your next favorite book. Each month you will be assigned a book genre, and either a book project or book comprehension questions. Third grade book projects this year, you will be expected to read and do projects for four books. It is designed to attract the attention of prospective readers and tell them something about the book. Your students will find these uniquely shaped book report projects fun and challenging to complete. This template allows students to create a book jacket for. In this case they are asked to advertise a book that. Task shakti a earn get problem animal report third grade informational. The first thing you will notice about the summer reading project. Become a book jacket illustrator for this creative and fun project. Esol summer reading book jacket project the illustrated man by ray bradbury mr.
Then give students a final copy set of the trifold pages. They need the materials to organize, draft, edit, illustrate, and publish their memories. Creative book cover design on any novel book cover designs for class 3 yahoo image search results this fun project is a unique way for students to prove their reading of an independent or class novel. When the cardboard rolls are turned, the story is told.
Third grade in particular can offer a real challenge when figuring out a bookish gift. How to make a book jacket for a book report pen and the pad. Use light, small numbers to number the panels on the side that appears to be the outside of the book jacket from 1 to 5. Book jacket match lesson plan for 3rd grade lesson planet. Dec 02, 2012 making a book cover for a kids novel project is a great way to allow them to express themselves creatively. Book cover project and worksheet perfect for book reports. These will be erased later and will only be used as reference points. Design a book cover students create a new cover design for a book they are reading to demonstrate comprehension and explore character, plot, setting, symbolism, and conflict. Become an illustrator with this fun and creative project.
For this project use a 12 x 18 piece of construction paper. Write something about the main character of the book. The reading response projects that i have created come in a variety of different shapes, sizes, and themes. Summarize the book into a comic or story aimed for younger students or your classmates.
Students create the viewing screen cutout at the top, then insert a scroll of paper with writing and illustrations inside the box. Making a book cover for a kids novel project is a great way to allow them to express themselves creatively. The fifth grade activities ideas provides below, such as making a bouncy ball, keeping a candle burning underwater, and building a homemade thermometer, are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to inspiring ingenuity and resourcefulness in the. If you answered no to any of these questions, then you have found the right place to find unique and engaging book report ideas to use with your students i have been teaching for 22 years, and i love teaching reading and trying to make it engaging and fun for my students the reading response projects that i have created provide students with a unique way for them to respond. Barron area school district third grade book projects.
Make a book jacket project i absolutely love this idea. Back cover the back cover tells a great deal more about the story. The generic worksheets, games, art activities, and teaching ideas in this book are ideal for core literature as well as for individualized reading. Jun 22, 2011 explain that he will be designing a new book jacket. Popular 3rd grade books shelf meet your next favorite book. These will be glued later inside your illustrated jacket. Choose 2 characters from the book for which you will make posters. Book cover rubric 5 4 3 2 1 front cover the cover is creative and vividly depicts the story. This is a short summary designed to be highly interesting to the reader. Students create connections while illustrating the details that define each genre. When you introduce your child to a great book series, you just might turn your child into a pageturning, storyloving book fiend for life. Third graders understand that the dewey decimal system in a library helps locate books. Third grade book projects christ the king school toledo.
Roberts at edwards middle school, the illustrated man by ray bradbury. Make a book jacket for either your favorite book or one that you read and thought could be represented better. Book reports are a great way for kids to recall what theyve read, help with reading comprehension, and improve writing too. The catch is that the book must be the best book i never read. Write 510 quotes from the book that are important to understanding the. Cereal box book report projects are fun, unique, and easy for students in 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th grades and middle school. Then fold each end of the paper in 312 inches to make the inside flaps of the book jacket. They will make a 3dimensional scene, including models of characters. By looking at and reading a dust jacket you can find a lot of information about the book in a condensed format. Throughout this project we have been able to successfully marry tech tools with writing, as well as use skype, padlet, twitter and other interactive tools. Make a book cover for kids novel project with help from an artist who teaches art to.
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